Hugely popular with celebrities, Birkin bags are one of the rarest and most iconic handbags in the world, being only obtainable by joining an exclusive wait-list. The design of the bags was born out of a legendary plane journey in 1983, when actress and style icon Jane Birkin spilled the contents of her straw tote in front of Jean-Louis Dumasl. They are now the ultimate symbol of luxury; indeed, they are currently regarded by many sources, including Time magazine, as a better investment than gold.
Many times when clients look at Debra’s artwork in the galleries, they like to imagine what they would put into their own bag if they had the opportunity. Well, here is your chance to create a Bespoke Birkin Artbag, which would make a beautiful gift for a loved one or for yourself. Play with the items that we’ve pre-selected or upload an image of something special, such as a photo, a piece of jewelry, a watch, a memento, ticket, souvenir etc…
When you’re ready, you can send it to the artist, Debra, who will work with you to create a unique piece of artwork for you or a loved one to treasure.
(Height x Width x Depth at Base)
50cm x 43cm x 20cm
1ft. 7 11/16″ x 1ft. 4 69/64″ x 7 7/8″
Weight: TBD
Please leave a minimum of two months to make this happen at the moment, although as we get busier in the build up to Christmas, this lead time may need to extend. The sooner you can get your order in, the more likely it is that it will be delivered early, without any worry.
How to use the tool: if you hover over the various buttons on our tool, they will tell you what function they perform. The top button on the right-hand side allows you to upload you own image, or you can play around with pre-selected images that we have uploaded using the bottom button on the right. The second button down on the right-hand side allows you to add your own text; simply type in the message in the layout that you want and press ‘Add Text’ and it will appear within the bag. You can then move the text and alter the font and size etc. by clicking on the text within the bag. You can layer, resize and twist the contents of your Artbag to get an impression which you can save and ponder or to show to others. If you encounter any problems with our tool, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.